Westrup - seed cleaning equipment

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Westrup ApS is awarded Børsen Gazelle 2023

Every year the financial paper Børsen presents the sought-after Gazelle-award to Danish companies that have made themselves particularly noticed. One of the criteria is for the company to increase their gross profit by 100% over a four-year financial period. Furthermore, the companies operational result must be positive. Facts and numbers determine whether a company may be awarded the price.

A big thank you:

At Westrup ApS we are very proud to receive this prestigious award. There is a great sense of humility and gratitude associated with receiving Børsen Gazelle-award. We would like to thank all our skilled and persistent employees, our trusted business partners, and our valued customers who all contributed to our success story.

Strategic acquisitions, product renewal and expansions:

The past four years have meant major changes in Westrup ApS. Due to Covid-19 we had to face increased prices of spare parts and components, that affected and challenged the production of our equipment. Other achievements were our expansion to Kazakhstan, where we opened an office 2021 and the merger with the Swedish seed treating company NoroGard in 2022. Additionally, we formed strong partnerships and cooperations with Premium Seed Machines and Oliver Manufacturing, who are now part of our repertoire. In 2023 we have taken on the production of the Spiral Separator in our own factory, making Westrup the only manufacturer of this component worldwide. 2023 also marked the 65th year for Westrup’s production of equipment for the seed and grain sorting industry.

Outstanding financial results:

In June of this year, we reported that Westrup ApS has not only maintained our financial targets, but also continued the positive development with a tripling of the previous year’s net result. The development was made possible due to a focused turn-around plan resulting in an increased turnover and reduced costs. It was thus the second year in a row we were able to present a significant financial result. It is also this impressive development that has helped secure Westrup ApS the Børsen Gazelle 2023 award.

Motivated employees and goal-oriented customers

The road to growth is paved with financial achievements, strategic acquisitions, and committed people.

Our dedicated employees have kept their eye on the goal and believed that we together can lead Westrup ApS to achievement. The running force behind our employees who each day strive to find new and improved methods to simplify, innovate and fine-tune our constantly growing range of products are the direct path to success.

About the award:

It is facts and not judgment of taste that determines whether a company is named Børsen Gazelle. It has been that way the 28 years we have mapped the country's fastest growing companies. The annual rating is based on public accounts and six clear criteria – i.a. turnover must increase by at least 100 per cent. over four years. Less than 1 per cent. of Danish companies can live up to these criteria. We and the entire business world can learn and be inspired by the gazelles…

Read more: FAQ about the reward (in Danish)