The LA-LS small-scale / laboratory air screen cleaner
The LA-LS small-scale / laboratory air screen cleaner. Suitable for vegetable seed, cereals, oil seed, grass seed, clover seed as well as for flower seeds and spices.
The LA-LS small-scale air screen cleaner is a precision and fine cleaner. The machine can be fitted with screens suitable for your product, which means it is customizable to almost any type of seed or grain.
It is very often used for vegetable seed, cereals, oil seed, grass seed, clover seed as well as for flower seeds and spices.
This small seed cleaner has a capacity of 150 kg/h based on wheat.
These are some of the features the LA-LS offers:
🌱 An inlet with capacity shutter equipped with a vibrator feeder with start/stop and potentiometer
🌱 A de-awning process. If your product requires de-awning, you have the option of having our small-scale de-awner built onto the inlet
🌱 An aspiration system with pre-aspiration and final aspiration both connected to an air recirculation system
🌱 A screen section consisting of one sieveboat with 1 short scalping screen and 2 long grading/sand screen layers; the 2 long screen layers with rubber ball cleaning
🌱 A total screen area of 0.34 m2. You have the option of increasing the screen area by extending one screen layer
🌱 Collecting drawers for waste and prime product
🌱 Easy clean-down when changing from one product to another
More about our small-scale seed cleaning equipment here:
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Want to know more about our small-scale laboratory cleaning equipment? Read more here:
LA-H small seed brushing machine
LA-K small gravity table