Seed treaters
The Norogard x Westrup machines are made for precise addition of treating liquids and/or powder to the seed before sowing, with more than 60 years’ experience. The Norogard x Westrup seed treaters can distribute an accurate amount of treating fluids to every seed with very little or no spillages. The machines are easy to install and calibrate, are low maintenance, safe for the operators to use, and easy to service.
A seed treater is used after the seed has been cleaned and sorted to protect the seed after sowing. The process can also help prolong the lifespan of the seed after sowing and optimize the seed in the sowing process.
With a capacity of 10-200 liter of seed per batch, our R1000 is designed for complex treatments and equipped to meet your needs for coating and pelleting of seeds with diameter minimum of 2 mm
With a capacity of 10-80 liter per batch, our R800 is designed for complex treatments and equipped to meet your needs for coating and pelleting of seeds with a diameter minimum 2 mm
With a capacity of 1-20 liter of seed per batch, our R534 is perfectly suited for dressing, incrustation, coating and pelleting of seed.
Capacity: 16.2-40.5 tons/hour
The R45 performs at a capacity of 16.2-40.5 tons/hour with sophisticated and high quality application of volume seeds. The NoroGard R45 Continuous Seed Treater is suitable for seed plants with a need for sophisticated treatment of cereals, corn, peas, soybeans, OSR, cotton, sunflowers etc
Capacity: 12.6-31.5 tons/hour
The R35 has a capacity of 12.6-31.5 tons/hour for treatment of volume seeds such as cereals, corn, peas, soy beans, etc
Capacity:9-22 tons/hour
The R24 performs at a capacity of 9-22 tons/hour making it a great seed treater for sophisticated seed treatment of volume seeds. The NoroGard R24 Continuous Seed Treater is suitable for seed plants with a need for treatment of cereals, corn, peas, soybeans, OSR, cotton, sunflowers etc
Capacity: 7.2-18 tons/hour
With a capacity of 7.2-18 tons/hour, the R20 is a great option for sophisticated and top quality application of volume seeds. The NoroGard R20 Continuous Seed Treater is suitable for seed plants with a need for treatment of cereals, corn, peas, soybeans, OSR, cotton, sunflowers etc
Capacity: 5.4-13.5 tons/hour
The R15 has a capacity of 5.4-13.5 tons/hour and is a good choice for sophisticated treatments of volume seeds and performs top quality application. The NoroGard R15 Continuous Seed Treater is suitable for seed plants with a need for treatment of cereals, corn, peas, soybeans, oil seed rape, cotton, sunflowers etc.
Capacity: 2.9-7.2 tons/hour
NoroGard R8 performs at a capacity of 2.9 – 7.2 tons/hour and is a combination of state of the art engineering, design and innovation. The NoroGard R8 Continuous Seed Treater provides a capacity to treat from a batch of 2.9-7.2 tons/hour which makes it suitable not only in production, but also for laboratory use. This makes it easily adapted for small and medium sized treatment plants and seed breading stations
Capacity: up to 6.3 tons/hour
The K7 Continuous Seed Treater is suitable for small and mid sized plants with its variable capacity of up to 6.3 tons of seed per hour and dosing rates from 100 ml to 2.4 litres per 100 kg seed
Capacity: up to 2.3 tons/hour
With a capacity of up to 2.3 ton/hour, the R1 is designed for on farm use or for small seed production companies. It is designed for treatment of wheat, barley, rye, oat, corn, peas, soybeans, sunflower seeds etc. with liquids
Capacity: 0.3 - 3.0 l./batch
The R300 has a capacity of 0,3 – 3,0 liters per batch and is perfect for defining production parameters prior to production for both coating and pelleting. Available with dosing system
Capacity: up to 450 ml./batch
R150 is a laboratory seed treater designed for treating a wide range of seeds with a range of products, formulated as liquids, powders, flowables, slurries, gels, etc. It treats in batches up to 450 ml
A batch seed treater is used for pelleting, coating, incrustation, and dressing coaters. Either with a powder or liquid treatment solution. This is done for different reasons, such as to protect the seed from diseases, keep any added fertilizer or pesticide on the seed, to make it visually easy to see when spreading and prolonging the lifespan of the seed.
A batch treater is a very accurate machine as it treats each kg of seeds with an exact amount of liquid or combination of liquid and powder.
A premeasured amount of seed is added to the machine, e.g. 100 kg, after which the amount of liquid is added (ml) and/or the powder (gram).
The batch is mixed in a constant flow for a few minutes until the product is completely even.
When coating different types of powder can be added one by one to obtain the desired coating.
Our continuous seed treaters are designed for the treatment of diverse products such as cereals. The construction ensures an even flow of both seed and treating liquid while assuring a high level of treatment quality.
This is done for different reasons, such as to protect the seed from diseases, keep any added fertilizer or pesticide on the seed, to make it visually easy to see when spreading and prolonging the lifespan of the seed.
The product and the liquid are added at the same time in the treater, so the surface of the seeds will be evenly covered with liquid. This can be done in pre-programed recipes for an easy treating process.
A seed treater is used to give the seeds a high germination when it will be sown out.
A seed treater can also protect the seed from diseases, keep any added fertilizer or pesticide on the seed, to make it visually easy to see when spreading and prolonging the lifespan of the seed.